
Information to Help You Choose a Weight Loss Diet

Finding A Plan That Fits


Now that you've found the motivation to start dropping those unwanted pounds, it's time to decide how to do it. There are a lot of diets and programs to choose from and Lose.com has gathered information to help you decide which one is right for you.

The first consideration is your health, so please consult your physician before embarking on any diet or exercise plan. The second consideration is how well the diet will fit into your life. In a glance, Lose.com can help you explore the different diets.

Each diet summary answers three questions: What is it?; How does it work?; and What does research say? These short descriptions will give you an idea of what the diet plan entails, click the links in the summary to learn more.

Here are three questions to keep in mind as you decide which plan might best work for you:

  1. What is it you are already doing?

    If a diet plan calls for a lot of meat and you are a meat lover, this would be a diet worth more consideration. If you are a frequent snacker, consider a diet that calls for more small meals than three big ones. The more diet requirements that are already in your life, the more likely you will succeed.

  2. The best predictor of the future is the past.

    For most of us, this is not our first dance at the diet party. Take the time to think about your past diets. What did you like or not like about the diet? At what point did your past diets end? Can you identify a common trigger to the ending? Use that information to choose a diet that will better help you deal with those pitfalls.

  3. Extreme changes often lead to extremely fast failures.

    When it comes to dieting, slow and steady wins the race. Give your body and mind time to adjust to a change before adding more change on top of it. If you suddenly reduce your fat intake by 90 percent, this will be tough to maintain for a long period of time. If you find you are not sticking with a plan, its better to ease up on the restrictions or change diets than give up on your weight loss goal. The biggest stumbling block to solving a problem is realizing you have a problem. Be on the look out for signs that all is not going well on a diet, then confront and adjust to keep yourself losing.


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